Thursday, June 13, 2013

Update from Aether Advance Admin....

Updates, Transfers, and Bonuses!!!

Hello everyone! I had meant to send out this update a bit earlier today but was sidetracked for much of the day. Have quite a bit to talk about today!
As some of you may have noticed, there is now a "Stats" tab in your back office which displays some more statistics you might find useful in tracking your account's progress.
We are now just over 950 members strong, and that means we are quickly approaching our 1000th member! To celebrate our growth so far, we have decided that the 1000th member, and every 500th member after that, will receive a $20 cash balance bonus along with a $5 line balance bonus! The bonus only applies to the member if they make a deposit. If a deposit is not made within 24 hours of their account being created, the next active member in line will receive the bonuses.
Now on to some Advance Cycler news. We have received many requests from those with lower deposit amounts to make it possible for them to play in the launch of the Advance Cycler (launches Monday, July 1st 10AM EST by the way). We have come up with a solution of allowing a cash balance to line balance transfer option available for the next 17 days. You can find the link to the transfer page right next to your cash balance. You will be able to transfer a maximum of $50.00 from your cash balance to cycler balance during this time frame. The transfer option will be turned off on June 30th, one day before the Advance Cycler launches.
Quite a bit of news, but I believe that's all for now. Thanks again for your ongoing support, and I hope to see everyone getting more excited as the launch of the cycler gets closer and closer!
- Aether Advance Admin

So there you go. We have an option now to increase our cycler balance & be ready for the launch this July 1st. =)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just to give you an update guys:

Aether Advance- really doing well & membership is growing. Looking forward for the cycler on July 1st.

Gold Alliance Fund - still paying for me although others are not. The admin was mentioning in the update that those who were affected will receive a refund on their deposit minus the amount withdrawm already. Hopefully that will be realized soon for them. 

Neo Mutual - paying consistently still.

UINVEST - also doing fine. Have to wait for my monthly dividend & we'll see how I'm gonna do the withdrawal since LR is not anymore available. Maybe I'll try withdrawal via bank wire or STP using FP. Anyways, will keep you updated.

By the way, just received dividend on one of my shares in UINVEST. Will receive more in few days...

That's all for now guys. Talk to you later :)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Hybrid Program Just Launched Yesterday

Hey Guys,

I'm back again. Sorry for being gone for a while. I've been really busy with studying & other stuff. Did my exam & good news I passed. Thank God. It was really exhausting. Now, I'm busy planning for my wedding.Very tiresome.Can't hire a wedding planner coz it's very expensive. hehe. Anyone with artistic ideas may share. I'm torn between garden or church wedding. Which is which? Any suggestions is much appreciated :)

Anyways, back to business. I joined yesterday a new hybrid program that was just launched yesterday too but didn't made a deposit until today. I joined under blondie which is one of the person I trusted on the net. The program admin is a person also very active & long time member of MMG forum. For those who are active on MMG would recognize him. He goes with the screen name yodaman874.  The program name is  Aether Advance. There are 2 parts of the program, as the name HYBRID.

1- Daily earning is 1.5%, 1.75% or 2.0% depending on the amount of your purchase.
2- Straight line progressive cycler where you can purchase positions using your cycler balance. (that will make sense after you see the chart)

The Cycler won't be launched until Monday, July 1st so that those who started with a smaller amount will have time to build their reserve for purchase.

The compensation plan is very straight forward & easy to understand. Everything you need to know is stated clearly in the FAQ. Just have a scroll on it & that's pretty much it. Just so you know, for every dollar you spend, you'll get 100 advertising credits for either a text or banner advertisement. All other info, please visit the FAQ page. By the way, there are 3 plans based on your deposit & I am in plan 3 & on 100% compounding for now. So that's it guys. I know the admin seems to be trusted but of course always spend what you can afford to lose. Do not spend your rent or food money =)

For other programs that I am in:

Gold Alliance Fund - pays 4.5% for 45 days. Still paying consistently.

NeoMutual - have 3 plans, 1.4%/day, 1.6%/day & 1.9%/day for 200 business days. Plans are based on your deposit too. Still paying also.

UINVEST - still keeps on paying dividends monthly.

I have other short term programs too but not confident enough to mention here.

So that's it for now guys. Be back when there are more to report. Bye for now =)